A life of service with Rev. Marvin Simmers

Rev. Simmers has served the Hillside Presbyterian Church community for more than 50 years, and at 87 years young, he still coordinates a community food pantry serving thousands around metro-Atlanta.

The Pantry at Hillside Presbyterian Church has remained open throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, expanding its service area--from 30032 to anyone who presents need, and Rev. Simmers has single handedly, used his small pick-up truck to make regular pick-ups of food from the Atlanta Community Food Bank and area businesses who donated food items.

He's witnessed the demographic transitions in the community and continued to focus on his mission--sharing the dignity in humanity no matter the current circumstances.

We spent a morning with Rev. Simmers to learn more about his commitment to the community and why he volunteers.

Inspired by Rev. Simmers’ story?

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