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Hands On Atlanta to highlight volunteers, events and ways to support Atlanta throughout April 2021.

April is Global Volunteer Month and Hands On Atlanta is celebrating all month long with inspirational stories from local volunteers, marquee service projects and events, as well as providing the Atlanta community a unique and fun way to support their essential work.

One of the easiest and most impactful ways you can help is by making a donation to Hands On Atlanta. According to a recent study from Deloitte, supporting their essential work turns every $1 donated into $6 of economic impact. Throughout the pandemic, Hands On Atlanta has mobilized close to 9,000 volunteers to support their partner nonprofits in distributing over 3 million meals to 8,000 metro Atlanta families.

As we start to clean up the devastation caused by this last year, one thing is already clear - Atlanta needs people to roll up their sleeves and get to work. 50% of the work done by nonprofits has traditionally been done by volunteers. As you can imagine, the pandemic disrupted that, which disproportionally hurt those already struggling in our community. So, if you have been wanting to help, now is the time,”
— Jay Cranman, Hands On Atlanta President and CEO 

Throughout the month, Hands On Atlanta will support over 500 in-person and virtual opportunities to do something good! From packing and distributing meals to cleaning up parks and helping students with homework, there’s a meaningful opportunity for everyone to safely get involved. A few of the featured events Atlantans can participate in are Good Deeds Day on April 11, Earth Day on April 20, and Global Youth Service Day happening April 23-25, 2021.

You can read stories from outstanding volunteers, sign up for a volunteer project, and donate or start a fundraiser for the Hands On Atlanta Spring for Service at